Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

The whatsapps going around painted a different story to what the media put out. I think they all were stupid and made mistakes, and the attitude of the lads was fairly poor but that doesnā€™t mean serious crimes were committed.

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The greatest weekend in Irish rugby history and TFK drags back up the most sordid case in its history.

Classic TFK

Trump hasnā€™t the capability of understanding anything outside his own ego.

Putting aside all prejudices or anything, it has to be fairly rare for an alleged rape to have a female witness. And even rairer for that witness to side with the defence. In that context it seems madness that they proceeded with the case. Iā€™d also have a bit of respect for olding for the statement he came out with afterwards.

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Good grief. The global fascist network is benign, apparently.

ā€œUS, NATOā€ zzzzz. Whatever, Charles Lindbergh.

Why do you all youse right wing American head the balls hate China and love Russia? Em, you do realise they are allies? Itā€™s like hating Mussolini and loving Hitler.

What, Sid Vs labane?

They just wish they could quit each other

Going full vegan @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy . This happened a neighbour of mine. Iā€™m outā€¦.


Poor kid

For fucks sake

Never heard of her.

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Very sad

Who is she?

Amanda Bynes - it says it right there. You alright?

Apart from that I canā€™t help. :+1:


She was a child/teen star on Nickleodeon I think when my kids were yung uns.

They call this shit a sport? Jesus Christ

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Ariel had a few big big fans on here iirc

Had a plumber call out to fix a leak under a sink this afternoon. Small job, here less than an hour, 220 quid for it. Fucking hell.

While itā€™s extortion surely to God you could have sorted this out yourself. A leak under the sink - determine roughly where it is, turn off the water and chase it back. Itā€™s only plastic piping thatā€™s become loose somehow. Piece of plumbers tape or replace a bit of a pipe and screw the connections back properly. No doubt your man sighed, grunted and farted as he ā€œstruggledā€ with this major issueā€¦ā€¦
The minute he slammed the van door closed and turned her on he burst his hole laughingā€¦ā€¦The cuntā€¦


I had a go at it, got instructions from a retired plumber, fixed one issue (two euro coin wrapped in cling film) but the second leak needed a plumber to do it, apparently.