GAA All Star awards - sponsored by Ferrero Rocher. The chocolate of champions

O’Sullivan, what the fuck

McNamee and O’Hora far more deserving

McGeary is FOTY if they’re interviewing Meyler for the HB line.

I don’t think there was ever any doubt about that.

Seamus Durack played a league game against Dublin in Croke Park before he won his All Star.

I’m not taking offence and I’m not the genius who convinced people to like them. You’re entitled not to like them. You’ve obviously being trying to provoke a reaction out of me for months about it. You got it tonight :+1:


They might be shite to you but to @iron_mike they’re bread and butter.


Thought Meyler was better myself.

Things have taken a bad turn when iron Mike snaps.

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Does he think that you make them or something?


McCurry in the half forward nominees? Absolute joke shop

Jesus, I don’t like a piece of chocolate and this is the response :joy:

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The drone film of the club pitches in very nice

AOS shafted here

What odds on 12 again next year for the Shams?

I’m only waiting for them to blow up and when it does its going to be spectacular😆

On a related note,is it true the sugar daddy banned all mobile phones whilst the aforementioned were holidaying recently at his establishment out foreign?

That tells its own story if true

Ferrero Rocher are onrale


Maybe I think teachers are underworked and over paid but have you ever seen me post it :rofl:


8 is a low amount for Tyrone considering they beat Donegal, Monaghan, Kerry and Mayo.

McNamee absolutely shafted.

Kilpatrick also probably more deserving than Kennedy

Token award for Kilkenny.

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Clifford is popping out sprogs already.

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Poor auld Mike is only the fella who wanders into the various shops and blunders about and knocks down their ferrero Roche stands.

Maybe you do.

I’m only thinking here, I may have mentioned once before that I don’t like that chocolate, that’s some thin skin you have. Maybe I said it years ago as well

Trying to provoke you for months is a bit of a joke,