GAA All Star awards - sponsored by Ferrero Rocher. The chocolate of champions

This was quite prescient.

John Taylor from Laois had one in the bag in 1985 and then got sent off for Portlaoise in a club match. Rule back then was you had to have an unblemished disciplinary record during the year to be eligible for selection.


Things I learned today

Run of the mill GBH was a ticking back then

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What year did that change Dan ?? It always caused grievance .

Was there a particular case that gave real momentum to change it ?? I have an inkling there was .

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I’m not sure what year it changed but I think it was shortly after 1985. The John Taylor case would have attracted a good bit of publicity and sympathy for the player at the time. Taylor was a terrific hurler and Laois had never got an All Star prior to 1985, albeit Pat Critchley did get one in 1985. They haven’t got one since.

There was controversy surrounding Pat Fleury as well one year, might have been a year or two before John Taylor in 1983 or 84. Fleury was selected on the hurling team which was announced a few days before the banquet. He then proceeded to get himself sent off in a club match in the intervening few days between selection and banquet. He wasn’t de-selected but he wasn’t allowed attend the banquet.

My guy on the inside has told that Cork and Tipp will, between them, get zero. Waiting for confirmation as that doesn’t seem right

Tommy Walsh got one in 04 in a year when hardly deserved by his high standards and he was also sent off against us. It certainly changed long before then as I was still under impression it was a rule when he was selected but it was never even mentioned

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Still seething seething I see.

Jason Sherlock 1995, it was picked by the players that year I d think too

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’The greatest goalkeeper of all-time, the man who has redefined goalkeeping, has the most miserable return you could ever get for a fella so good’

He has 6 of the fucking things lads, relax :grin:


How good would Cluxton be with Cavan?

Some amount of hyperbole about a lad who has the best 14 outfield players in the country to cover any mistake he makes.


Exactly. A fucking goalie like. Would you be well.

Galligan is well deserving.

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Damien Reale

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Unreal 45 he kicked at the very end to beat Monaghan in that preliminary round game in Ulster.


Michael Meehan (Galway)

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Fuck off, he never got one? He was onrale

Joe McMahon
Jamie Clarke

Brian Gavin should have had one for all the grafting he did for kk all those years, the fat cunt.