GAA Rule Changes

Who’s the Derry goalie today?

This is another very enjoyable game. Clubs that have been fundraising for state of the art gyms can put the money into new footballs - movement and kicking ability is deciding these games rather than the team with most power to break tackles.

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A goal should be four points. That’s all.

Derry 1-24
Kerry 5-15

This is magnificent


Teams might have to play actual goalies shortly lads

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Great stuff

Brilliant game.

Kerry will be chuffed at getting 5 goals without their GOAT.

But sure why should the codes be the same.

Rugby is different. Saccer is different.

They’re different sports.

A goalie might have helped Derry

Not at club level. Dual players, same refs, playing week after week. Discipline rules should be consistent.


As long as you’re irking the twitter coaches, you’re doing something right

Doesn’t like the chaos of midfielders contesting a ball. By God.

Short kick outs all the way.

Control freaks. The same fuckers who came up with the hand in the air so lads could catch a breath. Fuck off.

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I’d put more value on his views than many of the other snakeoil salesmen who’ve never played the game at any real level (along with my natural bias to where he’s from). His points are valid and time will determine if he’s right or wrong.

The swiftness they were brought in is a fair step change and has Burns hands all over it. It’s a break from tradition and hopefully it works. But hopefully if it doesn’t they won’t be shy about rowing back on some of the rules.

Fellas who were making a few handy quid getting very uneasy that good footballers, rather than systems, will start to decide football matches again. Plenty of examples in recent matches that proper fielders are ensuring that kickouts are a great feature of the game again - but proper fielders are developed at pitches by underage coaches, not by fellas coming into the club for 9 months with a clipboard and leaving with all the club lotto money.


That’s exactly it. It’s enjoyable to watch them squirm as we take our game back. Trying to push a wedge in here and there, pry open the door enough to slip back inside. I’m sure they’ll claw back some degree of it but time will tell.

I enjoyed this response. The boys have quickly spotted the 2 point arc more or less forces teams to go man-to-man, and removes much of the clipboard power, which is why it’s the one they are most keen to get rid of.
Maybe they would be as well contributing to the game by becoming referees instead, some of the older soldiers are going to struggle getting up and down the field with the pace this new game will be moving at.

You know it’s a great day when those Twitter lads start patting each other on the back.

‘Well said Ciaran’

‘Thanks Kev, it’s all a bit too much’

‘I know Ciaran, and we are just trying to do the best for the sport’

‘Exactly lads, as Evan Talty said, it’s ruining the bodies of amateurs’


I’d forgotten about him, thats most informative.

We’re certainly doing something right.