Gaa split season,killing Meath football since 2011

Cha ching

What’s this revenue investigation about? Is the lid about to be blown off the whole payments to managers thing? Probably the last pure, widely practised element of cute hoor, brown paper envelope, nod and wink, look the other way Ireland left. Amazing it lasted this long.

Would you believe it came out of the CĂșl Camps.


That free gear and bag was too good to be true.

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The health and safety reason here is some load of shite.

By all means let them be accompanied by an adult but charging seven year olds into matches is bananas.


Cash is king for some

Tis Wexfords fault

This is great GAAing by Tom Ryan.

An extra half mill of income surely.

Just ban teenagers from attending matches; they spend most of it trying to organise a shift or doing the snappychat thing

This stuff on the tackle being changed is actually the most interesting thing I’ve heard on the
Improving the spectacle of Gaelic football.

If they made it easier to turn over the ball would it encourage more teams to push up on the opposition? Maybe you can’t have two hand passes in a row as well.

You’d fear for a lot in this. The modern day youngster, college students, nordie brainwashed footballers, take your pick.

Down legend Conor Deegan is the manager of Queen’s University

"At Queen’s we didn’t know if we were going to be playing the new rules or not, so we tried a few in-house, and keeping the three up, definitely changed the game.

"The difficulty was keeping the three up because their instinct was to drop back, and you were literally standing at the sideline shouting at them not to go back over the line.

"That in itself will be a massive shift in how the game is played, and how the ball is moved, and when it is done really well, it really is good to watch.

"When the ball is zipped quickly, the forward gets out in front, wins it, and takes his man on - that’s a throwback in some ways.

“If we can get pace up front, put the ball in long and early, boys are out in front with good support, that’s how the game is going to be now.”