Galway - quadruple travails part 2

That’s one of them scorelines that makes me nostalgic for the total points tally in brackets.

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In fairness to Brady he has backed up farragher on the podcast. Also said that he was delighted he lit a fire.


Farragher is 41 :sweat_smile:, some yoke.


Clarinbridge Vs Ardrahan :ambulance::oncoming_police_car::fire:

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I like Kev but mutual mates confirmed he was seething after the Sars result and took an almighty slating from Cashel boys. I wouldn’t put too much stock in what he says after he was mugged off good and proper. Himself and Chunky are the two best podcast guests in the county.


Cyril is very good also.

There is a high standard of podcast guests on the Galway club scene.


Nothing funnier than a Galway podcast starting off sensible and then knowing there’s club players around the county screen-recording any criticism of their club so they can timber the fuck out of some cunt at a later date.


It’s remarkable. Lads hanging onto any perceived slight so they can convince themselves that some poor easht Galway cunt had it coming


How many of those were from play?

Exactly - and it’s something that drives me nuts. ‘Person X scored 0-12 today. WHAT. A. PLAYER’

0-12 all placed ball and actually offered absoultely nothing in the half-forward line from play.

Generally makes team-of-the-week stuff too

I hear David Collins gave some backhanded compliment to the current Loughrea crop on GBFM by saying they weren’t like the big thick ignorant player of old.

I think that’s generally accepted by all.

That team was the most untypical townie team of all time, a shower of tramps (who could hurl tbf)

They were the dirtiest shower of cunts. A decent side now to be fair.

When I think about it though, in many ways, Johnny Maher is Galway hurling.


Johnny Maher and Greg Kennedy were petulant at times but the rest were grand.

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Maher’s antics in the 2012 county final was arguably the most box office 2 minutes in the history of Galway GAA. Wins a penalty, dunts the bollocks off two Toms players, doesn’t get even a yella and then slots the penalty only to kick one last Toms player in the shin. I genuinely thought he was about to start a riot in the stands.


That gets better with age.

I was reliably informed that he was at a wedding that weekend…

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I’d include Shaughnessey the ref jn that. What happened, occurred right in front of his eyes and not a lid did he bat.

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Fear can be a terrible thing.
