Galway - quadruple travails part 2

Shane has a motorway to his benefit whereas that poor man had to go through shitholes like Moate

Twould almost give you a horn

I’d disagree strongly here anyway


The late 90s and noughties was a golden era for Football


Young was a fine player in his day RIP. He was a fine big man, right half forward on the Galway team beaten by Kerry in the s/f of 1959. I was in the Lr.Hogan when Micko, a much smaller, more compact man completely outplayed him. It was my 1st time seeing O’Dwyer live, he was a terrific wing half back.


You’re thinking 1960 if it’s the S/F, or the 1959 final. Before my time but weren’t there 3 or 4 Connacht finals in a row between Galway and Leitrim back then?

The 59 final, you’re right. We indeed lost 4 in a row 1957/60. The nearest we came was in 58 when a mixture of roughhouse tactics and weak refeering saw us narrowly defeated. We never recovered.


We used to stop in Moate for bread and milk on the drive back from Connemara in the 80s. A little corner shop on the left as you come out of the town. I suppose it was because everything closed at 6 then and hitting the road early mustn’t have been a thing.

A little tradition the folks had you could say.

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I’ve not been there in years but they made a roaring trade off pissheads coming back from a Galway defeat on a Sunday in Croker that got the Bus Eireann home from Busáras and wanted a quick sup that inevitably turned into 7 or 8 while said bus stalled for the necessary pissbreak. Wouldn’t say it’s changed much in those 20 years since.

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Was that not Kinnegad?

Definitely Moate. I remember after Cork done us in that 2005 football quarter final that the aul lad was absolutely goosed and we stopped in Moate. He had the genius idea that we’d get on another bus no bother so he went in for just the one in some publican house near the station. Obviously a serious trad session was discovered and I’d say I was the youngest and soberest lad left in the subsequent lock-in by 30 years. Must’ve been in Moate for 6 hours.

It nearly led to a divorce when the aul wan had to collect us on the Monday morning from Ceannt.


The cure hoors in Moate brought in a supermacs. Mother hubbards near Enfield was a fine spot for the fry. The motorway gave a lot but took a lot away also.


Greg Kennedy has that Supermacs.


Our current Hurling manager will be avoiding it like plague so.

From memory it was Pat Mc’s originally.

Maybe Greg was just managing it then. Greg & Pat are brother-in-laws.

Greg is not Pat’s BIL

I always thought Greg was a brother of Pat’s wife. Are they related? He definitely managed if not owned the Moate branch.

A nephew

I wasn’t too far off so.