Gardai acting quite aggressively

I expect the Garda have guidelines on this kind of thing.

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So heā€™s being charged for his driving at the Roundabouts on this route is what Iā€™m taking from the article

The question was about relative public safety.
Police have to make those decisions, a chase is probably the auto response but itā€™s a risky business with so many innocent road users at risk

Iā€™d rather they charges the beaks who let 3 lads with over 500 convictions between them free to offend again


The man should be given a medal.


ā€œdamned if you do, damned if you donā€™tā€ was what I was told.

The organisation is a mess. And that starts at the very top.

Helen McIntee is unfortunately more interested in words than sticks and stones.


Itā€™s hard to fix historic underinvestment. It stores up problems. Looks at the health service. The Garda are over 1000 below the number of gardai they should have currently. Sure how could the organisation do the job properly.

Iā€™d agree that sheā€™s useless Minister (the issue is more with the stones of a Commissioner than her), but I also think there is space for a well-run and motivated Garda SĆ­ochĆ”na, along with tackling hate speech as well. It shouldnā€™t be one or the other.

There is no defintion for it mate, similarly there was no defintion for durable relationships. People have had enough of that shit.

McIntee and Drew Harris need to focus on law and order. Plenty of scumbags to he tackled. Deal with them. That their remit.


Iā€™m not saying sheā€™s gone about it the right way but hate speech should also be part of the law and order focus too. But itā€™s probably not todayā€™s priority.

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What gap is there in the current legislation for hate speech?

If thereā€™s any kind of a hate speech bill pushed through, this place is toast.

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There is none.

So its a complete red herring then?

There is surely plenty there already to prosecute dangerous cunts threatening people etc

Unless Iā€™m missing something.

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a man was killed for speaking a foreign language last week, a man was beaten up for the colour of his skin & you & @MountLeinster demand the right to be racist?


I think the issue is that current legislation has led to very little prosecutions (50 in 25 years according to this article: Confused about the Hate Crime bill? Here's a rundown of what it's all about).

8000 complaints received in Scotland and the bill only enacted a wet week

Fair enough. Is it defined anywhere though mate. Seems very wishy washy. No offence.

I donā€™t see what the new legislation offers thatā€™s more beneficial to what was in existence. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m querying really.

If you were able to tell me frankly this is how its improved what was there, Iā€™d take it on board.

:grinning: you think the implementation of a hate speech bill will concern itself with the likes of us? :grinning:
40 or 50 middle aged grumpy straight men firing the odd insult at each other, I think youā€™re greatly underestimating what constitutes hate speech

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