General Election 2020 Hub

He may feel an arrest is necessary to galvanise his campaign.

Eamon Ryan did his interview with Matt Cooper yesterday. He came across very well. Passionate but not crazy. Even his response to the cork Limerick motorway was goodish but he should realise that the country will still need some roads. And this is one of them.

There was an absolute shit fest on SOR this morning. Jack Chambers, Ivana, Denis Naughten, David Healy and Richard Briton. Naughten kept needling the Dubs about why don’t they advocate banning diesel cars in Dublin City. Why do they always think roodle Ireland should carry the can for climate change. That oaf chambers took the bait every time.

Healy is a very weak spokesman by the way.

A watery cunt. Chambers is a fucking weirdo.

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Any person involved in politics under 30 is a weirdo


I’d imagine a lot more than 2% of the country would be jointly assessed at over 100k. My back of the envelope calculation makes that 50k per person per couple.


Chambers dad is a doctor who bought his council seat with a massive campaign. He was one of the poorest most disinterested councillors in Fingal. Read out speeches he obviously hadn’t written. He’s an idiot.

Sorry unclear post. When a couple are assessed together their threshold goes up, so surely does the 100k threshold?

An example might be A lad earning 120k living in leafy Dublin with a smatter of kids and a pregnant mistress on the side. He cant afford to pay extra tax.

That’s what I’m wondering. Its easy say everyone earning over 100k, but I’d like to see how that would affect jointly assessed couples

Congrats on the pending new arrival by the way


Why did the Lenihan crew choose him as the protege? Is he related?

Chamber’s father was one of Brian Lenihan’s cronies

He was at it again this evening on Drivetime.
You’d really have to wonder about the quality of FF candidate if they are still wheeling him out for major interviews.

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He might be holding a gun to their head

Noel Rock was interviewed on the news there. He’s seriously unauthentic and everything he says comes across as scripted.


And he looks like @Bandage


Bryan Dobsons has Varadkar staggering on the ropes here. Machine-gunning questions at a visibly tiring contender who’s not grabbing the initiative.

Varadkar is addicted to poppers.