General Election 2020 Hub

RBB is just a student union activist

Roisin has been the best performer tonight by far.

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Dignity goes a long way

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Most of em grow up when they leave college but you get the odd trot who’s only identity is being that way. Usually means they can’t handle the real world

Just saw a mayo roaster i know in the crowd. Please let him ask a question

Michael Martin :rofl:

It’s not likely but possible the Soc Dems could come back with four seats but I don’t see them having a long term future as a party.

Howlin squealing in the background for some attention.

Maybe Bredan Howlin should do less Howlin and more thinking


Mary Lou has had a terrible few minutes here.

That goes for every single poster on TFK too

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Meehawl strikes back

Howlin is just so bland.

Ivan Yates famously fell foul of Howlin when he described him as someone who waits in the bushes so he can jump out in front of a photographer

Martin needs to detonate his suicide vest right now. The game is up.

he destroyed her

That was poor out of Mary Lou.
A pointless interruption and just looked a bit stupid.

Not been a good debate for Martin.

Mary Lu rabble rousing with simplistic arguments but will probably go down well with her target voter.

Leo has been solid and got his key points across but the fact that Martin was poor again prob more of a help for him.

The rest are irrelevant in the scheme of things really - Ryan has done well but they’ve mostly been elbowed out

ff are back

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Howlin is a boring technocrat . Not suitable for this lark