General Election 2020 Hub

The inverse of build it and they will come.

Miriams voice would annoy a dead man’s brain.

Absolutely not. The Provos would take care of the drugs gangs no bother.

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Leo and Micheál should say nothing. Let her talk.


White collar crime is just as bad,you me and everyone else are being robbed daily by the bank’s and insurance gangsters

Walter mitty strikes again

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Place is destroyed with drugs the last 25 years, coincidence? I think not.

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Miriam and Mary Lou’s accents would give a headache to an annadin .


You’d wonder if she’s even read her own manifesto - Eoin O’B and Pearse are the real brains there - she’s just waltzes in and talks in catchphrases

Its nowhere near as bad ffs, its money not life and death

That’s not to downplay white collar crime though

Martin being allowed waffle and waffle and waffle without challenge, without moderation.

Careful mate the pretend ira are togging out

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He’s not great on the detail either. Also lots of explaining the problems and pretty little detail on solutions

Imagine listening to that annoying Cork wankers voice more often during the next 4 years :face_vomiting:

But he was allowed off on a ramble there, no challenge, no interruptions.

The lad’s struggling here without being able to mention IRA

You’re being bled dry slowly every week of the year,for the rest of your days.Thats a way worse than a few scobes being whacked as far as im concerned.

Fact Checked by the Irish Independent :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Who was your old username. Poor attempts at trolling / wumming over the last few days.

Leo and Martin waffling, but that’s OK.