General Election 2020 Hub

Mary Lou knocks out Leo


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Someone tell meehole there is gunman bogeyman behind him.

The Shinners don’t think Mary Lou should be asked any tough questions or challenged in any way


Now that we’ve established the three of these are completely incompetent where do we go next?

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I wouldn’t blame him . This is awful dross .

Mary Lou doesn’t know a single figure and talks a lot without saying anything

She’s like the lad in a meeting who everyone knows is just winging it


Michael o Leary : who else .

McCullogh :joy:

David looks delighted to be getting the health topic.

The side-eye from McCullough :smirk:

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Miriam O’Callaghan and David McCullagh chairing the debate tonight with Martin.

The three of them fucking seething there by the end of the segment. Everyone of them making a show of themselves

You could say that for the lot of them.

He’s practising all bloody day

Imagine watching that and thinking anyone other than varadker should be next or near the taoiseachs office


Leo’s doing and has done the finest in the debates in fairness, it just doesn’t make a difference for FG


I see that the RTÉ have selected the sister of a Fianna Fáil TD to host the leaders debate. That TD is also a lawyer for Denis O’Brien.
Nothing patently dodgy about that at all.
#GE2020 #leadersdebate


A sad state of affairs when these 3 gimps are the best the country can offer up as leaders.

Lads there is the prospect of a penalty shoot out at Oxford