General Election 2020 Hub

Noel Rock coming across as a likeable sort here.


It’d be the icing on the cake if Ross’s elongation got a Shinner elected. Hopefully he gives his concession speech from stepaside Garda station ala O’Donoghue

SF largest vote share:

Sounded like “we’re on the one road” to me, mate.


He’s had a few years to come to terms with it

I already acknowledged my error.

Lovely. FF/SF can kick the shite out of each other (and the country) for a couple of years

You running away?

What do you mean “if”? Of course they are going to fix it.

Is paddy madigans lass in trouble?

Doable but would last max 6 months

The people have spoken and 24% of them want a socialist republic so we must have it.


She could be. It’s close. Senator Richmond could nick her seat. Even as a FG supporter I’d have to enjoy the seethe.

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The people have spoken. Time to stop sniping from the sidelines for SF.

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Meeehawwwl looking more stumped than usual.

The far right are in full meltdown mode here, its facinating to watch

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MM backtracking here

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Time for action.

Get your pyjamas on Mick, Mary lou has the bed warm for you.

Micheal Martin is the most gormless cunt of them all.