General Election 2020 Hub

Young Louis will lose out on transfers

Heather humphreys makes Ursula Jacob sound angelic.


Horrible to listen to

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These Sinn Fein transfers could really throw a cat amongst the cats that are already amongst the pigeons in this election.


Yer man on the radio here is saying he might just scrape in ahead of FF.

RTE asking every single FG TD about going into gov with SF… I don’t think the answer is gonna change.

I wonder what percentage are plumpers ???

Absolute loon
In between jail terms

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Alot of SF voters will only give the number 1 vote in single candidate situations. Strict orders were handed down.

Sinn Fein have left about 6 more seats behind them here.

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Spoiler that man!

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FG have been very consistent in every interview. On the other hand - lots of wavering in FF interviews apart from angry Jack Chambers.

FF/SF/Green it will be …

Yup, hindsight and all that.

Lisa Chambers looks doomed in Mayo. It’s between Alan Dillon and Mulkerrins for last seat. On the basis there’s a Castlebar seat, looks like Dillon. Yet another former Mayo footballer elected.

RTÉ being very good to the minor 3rd level institutions today. Lady from WIT on now. We’ve had Maynooth and TUD earlier. Nobody from UCC yet. Or UL.

Leo pressed more on Newstalk by Kieran Cuddihy about entering coalition with SF

I definitely saw a woman on from UCC, with a fella from Trinity.

But yes.

Fionnan still babbling on about seats left behind.

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Ah the Maynooth man is the best around on the geography

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