General Election 2020 Hub

There’s a small surplus there which will skew to Richmond for geography reasons. Madigan will slightly extend her lead but 6,500
IRA/SF votes will decide it.

Bog apes watch the world burn

Random I think.

Coveney still banging on about Brexit. Once the Tories romped the election over there it stopped being an issue for the Irish public.

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He’s had a terrible personal campaign, which culminated in Pearse Doherty trouncing him around the VM studio on Thursday night. But let’s get Brexit done.


On the face of it but would one of the FGers push the other into third and force a run off between Crowe and Dooley where only one gets in - say if Wynne stays ahead, and MacNamara gets Green transfers and gets second or first.

Pearse Doherty is very good operator, and it’s an awful pity that he’s aligned himself with Sinn Fein.

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That was in many ways the Shinners best result

Let’s get change done

Leo has been elected.

The box turned up, or was never missing at all

Mary O’Rourke on VM :rofl:

Waffle, waffle waffle

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Yates " sf got a soft ride from the media"

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Inter are winning the Milan derby 3-2

A disaster for the Green Party.

The Micks hate the planet.

How are his election predictions looking?
He’s some spoofer.


Apparently Yates has tipped ROD to get the third seat :hot_face:

Tipped this evening that is.

He’s made a show of himself altogether. Again

He’s a painful, narcissistic cunt