General Election 2020 Hub

10am lads.

Me man is off for a bit of kip

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Lazy bastards in Cavan. Your man is after giving himself a nice lie in

She’s probably the safest seat in the whole country because she’s the Monaghan Protestant vote. Plus Monaghan people will vote in anyone who’s a minister.

Jack Chambers surrounded by a load of 60 plus year old lads


Another useless cunt in - Jack Chambers

Good to see Jack Chambers returned. You need nutjobs like him around the Dáil

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Mary Mitchell O’Connor loses her seat.


A lot done a lot more to do

@iron_mike be disappointed that Coppinger gone.

Is Dublin West the first area to be represented by more gay TD’s than straight TD’s?

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Peter Kavanagh Green eliminated in Dublin Mid West, finishing 125 behind Paul Gogarty. My transfer to Gino Kenny will now come into play. Gino has closed to under 600 away from John Curran.

Emer Higgins FG is 825 behind Curran but has almost 4k from Casserly FG to come.

Kavanagh’s transfers could split this wide open as a lot will go to Gogarty. Gogarty will get ahead of Casserly whose voted will be distributed in the count after this.

He got the Conor Lenihan nutjob seat.

That sums up Dublin - no work ethic up there.

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MMOC will need to update her Link Me In profile

Why no updates on RTÉ re Dun Laoghaire? Devlin v MMOC

Tis a pity Vinny has retired. He’ll have another 4 years of roaring at Claire Byrne

MMOC gone

All my picks landed in DL

cc @tallback


It’s been a great last 5 minutes.

Is Chambers gay? Just presumed he was asexual

C’mon the Greens

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