General Election 2020 Hub

I’m tipping FF to also lose a seat in Sligo Leitrim.

Any chance Boxer Moran can nip in ahead of one of the two FF candidates in Longford Wedtmeath?

Connolly will clean up on O’Tuathail’s transfers. Hilda will hold off Kyne.

What do you make FF on at the minute? I reckon around 38

All indications that Clare about to return it’s first SF TD since DeValera

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I think the remaining 3 candidates in Sligo Leitrim will fail to hit the quota. The FF running mate will have his transfer split between the other two candidates meaning only one will get in. The FG running mate should carry the other over the line.

Joan Collins has held on in Dublin South Central. Another FG seat gone.

1 SF 1 PBP 1 Green 1 IND.

You’d be thinking there’s a seat in South Wicklow.

Well if SF bring in tax cuts as their votes want then that’s great.

FF going to lose out in Louth too you would suspect.

Hardly news. The dogs on the street knew that 3 weeks ago

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Yes as was looking obvious after the first count and increasingly so with each passing count. Kyne deserves the boot but it’s a long and cruel way to lose your job

Munster is the only part of the country where the establishment vote has held up.

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Reilly on RTE now. He is retiring from politics now.

Can see him cosying up to the Soc Dems but I doubt they’d have him.

The Seanad is going to be wedged full of more useless fuckers than usual


40 but that’s with Donnelly taking a seat in Wicklow, Breathnach in Louth and McAuliffe in Dublin North West, and none are certain.

Talking head on Clare FM making out now it’s McNamara that has exceeded the quota. I think she’s talking through her hat.

What are the final figures looking like per party sid?

I reckon FF are in the running for 17 more seats.

1 Donegal
2 Sligo Leitrim
2 Cavan/Monaghan
1 Kerry
1 Clare
2 Offaly
1 Dublin South West
1 Longford Westmeath

That’s 11 plus the 24 they have elected. That’s 35

1 in Donegal
1 in Louth
1 in Clare
1 Longford Westmeath
1 in Wicklow
1 Dublin Bay North

A lot of the possibles looking dodgy, but they only need 3 to drop.