General Election 2020 Part 2

I’m tremendous fun really.


I disagree Art. Why would he take a junior ministery when he is far more qualified than the current minister. All the credit for any reforms he would have initiated would have gone to his senior colleague. He was basically going to mentor McEntee for the job he was qualified to do. If I was in his shoes, I would have turned it down too.


I’m very happy for Willie O’Dea … You utter, utter, cunt of a man.



In normal times you’d be right. But this is a time when everyone is compromising and making sacrifices as did all 3 parties to get this govt over the line. Now is not the time for me it’s the time for we and ocallaghan has decided to act in self interest rather than the national and to snipe from the sidelines

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To be honest he hasn’t really impressed in the politics lark. His intellect is unquestionable but as @Fagan_ODowd says he lacks charisma and probably political smarts too . I wouldn’t die of a shock if he decides to chuck it in at next election .

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I’m all for questioning the ability, qualifications or usefulness of ministers but I disagree that he is more qualified for the post than McEntee. McEntee has been a junior minister for a long time has impressed everyone she’s worked with and as her role grew massively in importance in recent years and she grew with it. She is therefore far more qualified to be a full minister than O’Callaghan who is a politician a wet week. O’Callaghan might have been a barrister but that does not necessarily make him best qualified to be a minister for justice, what experience has he of running anything? McDowell was a barrister and minister for justice and make a hames of it.

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A few disgruntled Fianna Fáilers may flee to Aontú as a consequence of Micheál Martin’s backstabbing. Will you maintain your support @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy?

Up the RA rides out the storm and stays on the front bench.

They will have to conform.

Bit of a demotion for Louise O’Reilly there?

They’re very much putting the young ones out front and centre there.

Don’t forget shatsie…,.

Health for David Cullinane.

Up the ra…diographers.

No spot for Denise Mitchell, the highest vote getter in the general election.


She was union before so enterprise and employment is a natural fit I suppose.

Probably a good move to leave Pearse on Finance (aka magic money tree)

She’s in my constituency and I’ve never heard her speak.

Taoiseach Martin using an awful lot of hand gestures/movement during his interview on RTE2

Usual waffle evasive stuff from the Carkie

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He doesn’t even have the cop on to try and imitate Leo and quote an auld movie line

I noticed that. It was just silly and completely unnatural, like that other clown Micheál Lehane on the news.

I think O Brien will make a serious play for this. If FF are to come out of this govt cycle with credit, it is most likely in housing. O Brien will get all the money he wants in the next few years to sort this. If he can, then he is the defacto favourite for the job.