General Election 2020 Part 2

They all do.

Fine post. I disagree that there is an anti, Fuck journalism sentiment as you say, there is however a growing anti-media voice that is getting louder. People are reading the journalism but also asking who’s really pulling the strings and why. Thats not a bad thing

Investigative journalism and reporting is the only real journalism worth a fuck and there will always be a demand for it. Its just not as confined to the print media as it used to be.

Opinion pieces are laughable for the most part. Who really cares about the opinions of pampered out of touch, jumped up columnist. Where once they had a monopoly via the platform now the internet has blown all that away. You’d get more insight out of some lads on here than you would a lot of journalists.

The smarter journalists and commentators are going the podcast route now, this is the future. The IT podcsat is excellent but the title of the their latest podcast is an obvious and blatant effort at scarmongering. Clickbait 101 I suppose but disappointing from the IT

The problem is though that relying on podcasts will get you into fake news territory and you will most likely go for news sources that feed your prejudices.

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No one, not even Sinn Fein envisaged the result unfolding like it did. Gaining 2-5 seats would have been seen as a very good election - particularly with uncertainty in Kerry and Cork North etc.

For a lot of reasons discussed already, they’re not ready to lead a gov - that’s not a slight at their main figures, who are most impressive, but more at the whole package.

But, they’re politicians and all politicians will want to be in government and while you can throw many things at MaryLou - she’s compassionate and genuinely wants a fairer society so she’ll take it if it’s in front of her (and of course ego is there)

The political games, the media shit and the sniping on the INTERNET, are all just part of the jig — but all three parties are in a very precarious place and whatever step they take could lead to disaster for the party in the long run. It’s fascinating on one level but we need a government pronto so it’s a pure balls.

I’d love to see SF in office but I cant see it - official Ireland would undermine them at every step - we’ve seen what the recent surge has done - and with Brexit and possible downturn around the corner , we need a stable gov more than anything - now, being in with FF might reduce some of that smoke but probably not enough.

Whatever the permutations of the political games and where they land once a gov is formed, the brand will be in a much better place in 5 years. The blood letting now is a step that had to be taken at some stage.

Protest vote or not, the party have come a long, long way in 20 years and that’s what every wanted when they agreed to the GFA - old reservations may die hard, but the more popular SF become the more mainstream they become which i’m sure will reassure you and others who have suspicions.

Personally, i’d like the party to work on maintaining as much as the new vote as possible - to go away and draw up a proper plan for a border poll with realistic targets and i’d like to see more proactive steps taken to engage with the Unionist community on more than just a political level.

I’ve no love for FF or FG but if they’re gonna do it, just get on with it. We need the get the show back up and running, building houses, gutting the HSE and sorting the Tans and their Brexit shit out.


The world has moved on - But the mechanisms of power are largely still running on a 19th century mindset. Elites controlled information for generations - there was simply no other sources of information for working people. And in this country that also meant the church… Since the internet, people have as much information as they want to suit any argument they want with the result that people feel cheated … hence the anger and outrage everywhere. The old top down system no longer really works in a society that has information at the click of a finger and what you get now is nihilism and the cult of the personality … by that I mean people dont want some suit promising utopia when we all know they are only out for their own interests (the old system of respecting respectability) but they want someone they feel they can relate to , who fits into their world narrative - Trump, Boris et al… but it will also throw up an AOC or a Mary Lou… people will identify with what they see as a genuineness … If you look at the Paul Quinn topic in the debate, a lot of people didnt give a fuck about the detail but the way ML handled it with a touch of remorse and compassion.
For the last 20 years we have politicians preaching to us about market trends and letting that dictate their responses to human needs…Yes, the economy is important but it doesnt motivate the average person nor should it politicians -they’ve fallen foul to an elite few who control global finances — Look at Mick Martin trying to portray his working class roots this campaign - the criticism Leo got for being too robotic … Politicians are slowly waking up to this and that people would have greater respect for someone that said, you know what, I got that wrong, and we’re gonna fix it rather than spin and doubling down after making a fuck of something.

Journalism all has its part to play in that… in many instances they dont call out the elites, they’re soft on white collar crime and heavy on keeping the top down system in place … of course, not all journalism …but we need a new dawn. A new reckoning. A new way of thinking.


It was always thus, people always brought whatever rag fed their prejudices. Same thing now albeit through a different medium. It is true to say we are still learning about these new media sources. Look at Labor in the last UK election, they were hammering the tories on Social Media, FB, Twitter etc but proceeded to get their holes handed to them in the real thing. Cummings had them by the balls through his targeted data profiling(I wonder how much of his strategies were employed in our own election) The wild west days of the internet are with O Leary, big government and big business is slowly turning the screw.

One of the reasons I appreciate a site like TFK is becasue there are people, dare I said it, like yourself who have opposite opinions to my own. They can learn from me. For example, look at your beloved Boris there now surrounding himself with yes men and sycophants. Feeding your prejudices is not just an internet phenomenom.

Whatever else its clear anyone under 40 is done taking their news from the traditional, past their sell by date platforms. This is likely to spearhead a lot of changes in the years to come that were hitherto unimaginable. The sooner the dinasours get used to it the better for them.

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I get most of my news from TFK


And the rest from the BBC…


But seriously, TFK is a good filter on the news as an initial source for the likes of me. Or you might find out more quickly here that someone in the news is a cunt if you read about it here first.


When its on its game TFK is the cutting edge of 21st century discource in Ireland.

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I agree — You can be sure whatever story has broken , it will have been digested and a few thousand words written on it by half the forum before the story is even 24 hours old.

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A shower of ignorant cunts the lot of ye here posting in this thread!


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Ignorant because I asked a question in this thread last night and no one had the good manners to reply.

Nothing to do with Mary-Lou. That’s a pretty disgusting reply from you.

Sounds like Romer😀

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This new guy is singlehandedly raising the level of discourse. He must be in the top five most smartest posters on here.

In the top five smartest or top five most smart, but not top five most smartest.

I know you’re new here but it is a timeworn phrase. There’s lots of those on here but don’t worry, you’ll read your way in eventually.