General Election 2020 Part 2

I did, see above

If you knew what proof is then you’d know that is not proof.

So yourself and @tallback were screaming for terrorists to represent Ireland at Westminster? — come out of the fog. There’s no IRA. No weapons. No capability for war. No will for war. Youre talking diddy.

If the IRA existed the police would have arrested them by now and we wouldnt be hearing about it by the Garda commissioner in an off hand manner with the desire of influencing the creation of a government.

The 2015 report said that the IRA no longer exists as a paramilitary organization but one that is dedicated to peace- if it’s not a paramilitary organization, if it’s committed to peace and is engaging in politics - can you please tell me what you’d call this type of organization?

The only reason there might be some semblance of the old provos still active would be more to do with combating dissidents in nationalist communities than anything else…

Youre clutching at nothing and refuse to square your hypocrisy

Where’s yours?

The leader of your own fave party Aontu seems to agree.

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The IRA exists to;

a) manage the criminals assets still remaining
b) try to keep a lid on dissidents
c) as the keepers of the continued “sovereignty” of the 1916 Proclamation


All evidence says they do as well.

Woah, you’re the one talking about evidence.

All I have said is there is absolutely no evidence to suggest the claims made, generally the onus is on the person who makes a claim and allegation, not the person who looks for proof of that allegation to be substantiated.

As you are a supporter of a party mired in state corruption and dodgy dealings, then I trust you don’t really know how these things work.

Yes and I’ve given you evidence.

Remind us all what that evidence is?

I think you’re more than a little embarrassed to tell us what it is.

hearsay - great to see you become an expert on the existence of the IRA a few days after the establishment started peddling it.

You still cant square your hypocrisy tho.

Why are you screaming for the IRA to represent Ireland in Westminster during Brexit negotiations ?

It’s above there, yourself and @anon61878697 don’t have any yourselves apart from quoting the intelligence reports that say they still exist. :smile:

Nobody was doing that pal. FG represented Ireland and mugged off the Brits. SF IRA sat on the sidelines clutching their pearls.

There’s no sign of it at all.

There’s repeated statements by you saying you have provided it, but no actual sign of it.

I think we both know that if you had it then it’s no problem to post it up again in your next post. I will take your inability to provide it in your next post as acceptance that no evidence exists.

Yes - Tim and Tallback were getting pissy for two years - as were Mick Martin and Leo - about SF not taking their seats in Westminster — now we’re led to believe that they also believe the IRA are still in existence – I dont know how they square that

You’ve provided noting. Zero. Squat.

Even lickspittles like O’Cuiv are laughing at this shite talk.

O’Cuiv is SF IRA DNA. We’ve already been over this. Isolationist. Nationalist.

I’ve been over nothing with you? … Am I sleep posting?

I explained this to you.

I said that the reasons put forward in SF’s manifesto were clearly either BS (that Westminister was a talking shop and not relevant to Brexit) or at the very least, no longer relevant due to the make up of Westminister and the clear impact it had on Brexit. I believed SF needed to take a decision to at least discuss that internally, but apparently that is an impregnable mandate and not alone would SF not discuss its continued relevance in the circumstances, there would be no change at the next vote.

FF and FG have a clear mandate to not go into government with the scum. SF have enough seats outside them to form a government, but cannot because the agents of change is a fantasy and lots of people have benefited more from being hurlers on the ditch than taking responsibility.

My view was that both FF and FG should have seen what was formed by the Scum and then reassessed. That includes the pre election promise not to govern with the scum. You see politics is grown up business, whilst the aforementioned hurlers on the ditch got great currency out of slating Labour for going into coalition and not meeting their mandate, others have to be mature.

If there is ultimately no way to form a government with parties other than SF, consideration of government with them should happen (to avoid another election and stalemate). I personally have a number or pre conditions for this. This would include;

  1. a meeting of SF which confirms they are committed to the Constitution of Ireland, to be acclaimed by a vote
  2. a confirmation that the 1938 “transfer of sovereignty” to the IRA of the “Republic” is at the very least, no longer applicable but preferably, an admittance that this was historically wrong and a lie
  3. a Statement from the IRA confirming they have disbanded
  4. the full cooperation with security services north and south on all IRA or IRA members atrocities since the Good Friday Agreement, to be confirmed by the respective police forces as being in good faith
  5. the removal of all persons previously sanctioned internally by SF for non cooperation on the various atrocities committed post GFA by the IRA, including that of the current housing minister of Northern Ireland
  6. another one I’d like is a statement confirming that Gerry Adams would have no involvement with any administration into the future

Those would be my preconditions, but I’m sure others would have other ideas.

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“The scum”. :laughing:

Multiple times. Seething and rattled aren’t near adequate to describe the utter rage running through that unhinged rant.

And these people style themselves as “the adults in the room”. Somebody get him a soother quicksmart.


Everything you’ve posted undone with one word… Doesn’t take much for the mask to slip and this is where we are truly at with all FG supporters.

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If the AK47 fits.

In fairness you’re not shy about calling your political opponents names yourself.