General Election 2020 Part 2

A push for WFH would save a good bit him transport. Reducing the commute. This has been a massive litmus test for it. Only thing is the ffg cronies will lose their arse as commercial property prices will plummet

And solve our Housing crisis and increase employment retrofitting Commercial building into family friendly high rise condensed Apartments.

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Slow down this isnt a country for common sense. Fixing housing and healthcare sure what would we have to fight about at election time? Civil war politics are now dead

How many high rise Office buildings in Dublin are generating any of their own Power?

Are any making use of Solar power for example?

how may people are geared up for working from home? proper tech, docking stations, monitors etc? dedicated office space, the amount of lads peering into tiny laptops on the kitchen table with washing machines going and kids roaring must be unreal

The one good think about this lockdown is the WFH for those that can do it. I know the bank my Mrs was working for were dragging their heels setting up WFH but when the lockdown was imposed suddenly everyone was able to WFH and all the issues that they were having were solved. Now she is saying she is going to try WFH a couple of days each week so she can bring and collect the little one when she starts school.

A lot of backward thinking Bosses in the country will have to change their stone age ways now with WFH.


Or release the Wolves first

You would find the folks that have been WFH for a while are already set up, its the ones that never had it that are the one peering at laptop screens on the kitchen tables.

I wouldn’t be worried about the kids that will be solved the schools and childcare opens up again but it has put the possibility of WFH for a couple of days a week in peoples minds now.

Twill be blamed for the social unrest in 30 years time TAs

I changed jobs during this, madness I know, bit in the new job they said wfh is working very well and may continue into the future so I can only go on site 1 or 2 days a week. Ideal for me as I was in work 40 hours a week upto 2 weeks ago in old job during this. Trying to get back to Limerick was reason to move job but I’m still in cork but wfh can cover best of both as mrs bushes is in cork

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That would the FG way, just release them. I’m not sure if the greens are that heartless. FF would just be sneaky bastards and would release a couple and deny it till one of their own get eaten.

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People will be able to live anywhere WFH. Opens up a lot of flexibility even for summers when people may base themselves up In Donegal or down in Kerry for a summer.

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My fear is a lot of paddies can’t be trusted to WFH, they spend half the day on the internet and the other half drinking or talking about drinking


A great many micks do that regardless of where they work

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work is also a social outlet for a lot of people, WFH only suits some people, some people need the structure of an office or a factory

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It could cut down on absenteeism rates. If you’re under the weather there may be an expectancy that you can still work away at home.

Why are so many muldoons resistant to protecting the environment anyway?

ah here, I thought that climate change bolloxolgy was relegated to the back pages

Who grows all your Oven Chips?

Think they’re made in a factory.