General Election 2020 Part 2

Not a good advert for the vegan diet. Is that Chambers who had to wake him up :grin:?

Looks bad but as we both know he might not have gotten a good nights sleep due to unruly offspring.

We’ve both been that solider.

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Not great though with a leadership election round the corner

FF a shambles
The Greene asleep on the job

It’s all coming up Leo and Mary Lou

Had to be woken up for a vote against a living wage for low-paid workers.

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Mattie at it as well.

Chairs are far too comfortable. Simple as that

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Their a fucking disgrace. Simple as that.

Nah, it’s the electorate that’s the disgrace mate.


It’s the spuds lads. Eamon needs to raid the window sills before heading in there tomorrow. You obviously can’t trust the food in the new dail

Eamon should be applauded for showing how grounded and in touch with Mother Earth he is

He lets his body dictate when he needs rest and he’s not burden with the conventional wisdom of sleeping at night time

Zen man


big time

fighting your bodies natural rhythms will lead to an early grave


Snollygosters. The lot of them. But sure once they sort the medical card or the bit of planning they’ll get back in.


Don’t forget the potholes.

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Was it you that gave that post the solitary like?

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no it was not, think thats a local pro cyclist councillor likeing that

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He’s a disgrace

Harsh on Dean