They’ll do him on the guns which was all they had when they brought the case forward initially. Dowdall was only a late addition to the case.
It’s murder or nothing
Gerry should be back chauffeuring by this evening.
They have the wrong Hutch on the stand in relation to the guns.
They’ll do him on the guns which was all they had when they brought the case forward initially. Dowdall was only a late addition to the case.
They didn’t charge him with the guns
I think he’ll be drinking cocktails in Lanzatote next week.
They might acquit and rearrest on different charges but our boy is not a murderer. That’s been well established now.
Will he get out of the building before being rearrested?
Michael Doyle
That looks very good for him.
Paul Healy
This should be live streamed on a GAAGO style platform.
Justice Burns is dragging the arse out of this.
We need more high profile trails
I’d sooner stream this than tipp v Clare on Sunday
Take it to the Fun Running Thread
If this was a GAA match the crowd would be leaving with Hutch 12 points up with seven minutes left after the opposition had got a goal in the first minute.
Trials even.
This is our OJ Simpson trial