Glasagusban's mates


Nothing strange about it.

I’d imagine it’s stranger to go around on the internet letting on everyone you’ve encountered in your life is a good friend or mate.

A chef friend who used to work in 777.

A friend who is part running a mobile sauna travelling unit.

Sure it keeps him out of trouble :smiley:


A friend who has a manager at work who has two children aged 9 and 10 who have iPhones.

Mobile sauna would have done you there.

A Cork friend who listens to 95FM.

A number of friends who have PhDs and some of them are exceptional.

Two of the most prolific posters driving this thread. It’ll be at 500 posts by teatime

A friend who asked Tommy Walsh why he couldn’t get on the Kerry team.

A friend who works on the Dublin Bus beyond Barricades tour.

You are literally taking note of every incident of another person’s claims of people they met or know, despite not actually know said person from a message board on the Internet.

All very strange. You need another hobby

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A friend who got her fanny waxxed in Spain and it cost quarter of the price it cost in Ireland.

I just did a quick search under his name and “friend” and “mate” and have now logged a number of incidents that show him to be a bullshiter.

God knows why it has triggered you so badly, maybe focus on why it is causing sensitivity on your part.

Genuine question here, do you have a job?


I’m on my lunch break.

Yes I have a job.

It funny how the same chaps who accuse others of being obsessed with posters seem to have an awful obsession with my personal life. Are you projecting a little?

what is your intention with the thread?

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Just to show that Glas is a bit of a fantasist.

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but why, to what purpose?

So will you be stopping this after 2pm?