Glasagusban's mates

Would I know this fella aswell @glasagusban ?

A fella training in high flying rope dance type stuff.

You couldn’t possibly pal. As Fluvio has pointed out it’s highly improbable that any anyone could have so many friends, let alone with such varied backgrounds, interests and experiences.


Would you be on friendship bracelet terms with these people Glas? A hell of a lot of braiding

Sweep Sweep

Jerry Buttimer is well known to protect his reputation online. You’d be as well off deleting your nasty posts

Will you highlight which ones for me please?

You well know lad. Get it done lively.

That’s it, another meek surrender, off you pop now

Sweep sweep

Only the barbecue and flip flop ones.

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A friend/rich benefactor who anonymously put 3 grand into his bank account.

Do you know him?

I’m pretty sure I don’t.

A retired plumber who showed him a trick involving a 2 euro coin and clingfilm


More a family friend than a personal one.

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A lad who drives a Berlingo round the country.

Eddie Muhy Wtf GIF

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You have a bertwingo?