God, religion, faith, spirituality, etc etc

Bag of personal and a big black one later would sort you out Tass.


Good and proper.

Existence precedes essence mate. Let that be your starting point.

Fucksake, I just had a group of bible bashers at my door harping on about the bibleā€¦ When I told them I donā€™t believe in god nor would I anytime in the foreseeable, do you think this stopped them?

The Bible was written by god says sheā€¦ no, it was written by man says Iā€¦ yes, you are right, it was written by god through men says sheā€¦thatā€™s very convenient, have you proof of that says I? Well itā€™s like mobile phones today says she ā€¦ right, look my breakfast is getting cold insideā€¦ have a nice day and good luck with it says I.

Cunts ruining peoples weekends with their fanaticism and fairy tales. Iā€™ve a good mind to phone the local psych ward and get the cunts sectioned.

The bible is a fairy tale

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Itā€™s very important that all the Roman Catholics in here log our religion on our census forms tomorrow. We need to keep this as a Judeo-Christian one and not some heathen nation with abortion on demand ect.

The last sting of a dying wasp youā€™d imagineā€¦ in 10-20 years the church will be dead and there will be an app for abortions iā€™d imagine. The next generation will be updating their social media and having shits and giggles about abortions, whacking up selfies with the aborted fetus and what not.

Sure half the self proclaimed catholics on here have probably never read a word of the bible. Throwing insults left right and centre and then going to mass (and confuckingsession) 5 hail marys and that wank you had last night is forgiven.

Catholics on here? :joy:

Good one, pal.

I know bud. They are just very confusedā€¦ If theyd actually thought about the 10 rules theyd self destruct after numero 3ā€¦ But youd never here them discussing what they say they believe in. Its mad when you think of it the hypocrisy

What in your opinion is a heathan mate?

Even though he is an unmerciful bollocks there is an interesting documentary on rte 1 here now made by Michael McDowell about the history of catholicism in Ireland and its links with the state

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One in seven women born in doon in the 1950/1960s were nuns

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Any chance of a ride in Doon? Nun.


the fella in the white with the big stick getting right into it @ 0:38 @KinvarasPassion proper passion there


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I saw a fella do something similar outside Connollys pub in Kinvara during Corpus Christi celebrations in 1986


Take a few minutes out to close your eyes, switch off your thoughts and listen to this beautiful rendition of the call to prayer. It will do wonders for youā€¦

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Thatā€™s impressive.

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Itā€™s beautiful.

Like the light of God touching you.

As Christopher Hitchens said, Religion poisons everything.