Golden moments of Irish rugby

One of the great moments


A proper stadium.

Getting another lesson from the japs here

Japanese are making them look like a tier 2 team.

They’re great to watch though. I love their style of rugby. It’s a full duck or no dinner approach

Its brilliant balls out. Best way to play against it is don’t give them the fucking ball. What’s irelands tactics? Box kick.


Japan are brilliant to watch. Their no 8 is a fair handful

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He wasn’t even supposed to start. Great to watch. Ireland are very poor in nearly every area of the game

There’s a tist today?

All important world ranking points at stake

Where are all these lads 21 years on I wonder ? All be middle aged men now.

This will genuinely ruin a few fellas Christmas.


Like who?

There was a savage doc on RTE after we won the 2004 triple crown. Shane Byrne featured heavily in it iirc.

Tommy the mouse will be rolling around d couch plagued by heartburn and with early onset gout and he will flick this on it will literally make him puke

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