Golf Betting

On -29. -33 by Steve Stricker is the PGA record

Simpson eagles the last!


Cover costs. :clap:

Some man @faldo

@Faldo, How would you rate Tyler Hattonā€™s chances this weekend?

Ya I donā€™t see why he shouldnā€™t be in the mix his stats are good even though heā€™s only one win all be it at bay hill. He has 5 top ten finishes from 9 starts so he should be a value ew bet @35ā€™s +

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Going with Harris English this week @40ā€™s ew. Heā€™s floating around the last month or so and is in form and only for Dj shooting the lights out last week he would have won imo. Good value ew bet and I expect him to be knocking around the top Sunday evening.

Outside value bet Bubba @80ā€™s ew (I know I know I knowšŸ™ˆ) I havenā€™t backed him in ages but Iā€™ve been keeping an eye on him. This course is set up for a big hitter so if he can put a good first day in who knows. Think heā€™s value anyway.

Put a few Bob ew also on Hatton as discussed in above post @40ā€™s

Top 4 or 5 in betting are all going to be in the mix, including Rory. I expect him to have a very good weekend but thereā€™s zero value in the betting there


Iā€™d fancy harman and hovland!

Champ won a college tournament here, and he is second in strokes gained off the tee for the season. This course seems to put a premium on straight and long. Thatā€™s the theory anyhow :man_shrugging:t2:

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So you picked Bubba whoā€™s never hit a ball straight in his life :grinning:

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Iā€™m swayed by @Faldo there. Heā€™s value against TW

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Marc Leishman at 125/1 is silly. Iā€™m having that

Weā€™re as profitable as each other :wink:

Tough course though

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I stopped watching about an hour ago. Its not great

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Ah no harm for the cunts, I donā€™t mind seeing them struggle like the rest of us


I much prefer this than last weeks shoot out tbh


They had that cunt silmon Holmes on the sky coverage showing what rory was doing wrong and I just switched off.

Rory not ready to give up his Fed Ex cup just yet.

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Good shout

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