Golf Betting

Would you give me 6 shots for 18?

Would I fuck. Iā€™m off 18, you sound low to mid-teens?

12 in society. 14 GUI, although I let that slide this year.

18 in lahinch is like 12 on a regular course, at least

In my head Iā€™d be able to get down there but I donā€™t get to play enough competition between work and gah at weekends.

Then when I do, I donā€™t look like Iā€™m getting anywhere near it :man_facepalming:t2:

Hon Rahm

Blessed the ball got spat out on the last

Iā€™m flat out at that to be honest. Iā€™ve to play my best to get around 34-36. Iā€™ve no spare shots. Iā€™m playing with lads from 5-8 handicap and theyā€™ve spare shots at that. Theyā€™ve been minding the handicap for years

Lads in that range are just GIR machines. I need the wiggle room for a while yet

They arenā€™t. Itā€™s just when they miss the greens they miss on the right side and chip it close. Very few mistakes.

This is done by the way

If thereā€™s a game going Iā€™d be interested. But Iā€™ve only played once this year, would take a 20 handicapā€¦

If Iā€™m competition secretary youā€™re getting the same amount of shots as me, you snakey cunt

Is there any appetite for a tfk golf outing lads, seriously now. It would be decent craic

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My weapons have been in Tipp since I moved here and my last round was 3.5 years ago in Ballybunion. Would love to get back at it occasionally next year. Cycling/running the priority though so hard to find the time

Sure a one off outing surely wouldnā€™t be beyond you?

Still use these beauties @EstebanSexface. If you canā€™t hit the ball straight with em, give up the game

Theyā€™re older than I am

Only irons Iā€™ve ever had

Iā€™d love a box off one.

When the 4 iron connects, itā€™s a thing of beauty.

66-64 is some weekend on this track. DJ will surely give himself one opportunity at least