Golf Thread

Stalingrad situation here mate. Anyone who questions orders or runs from the battle will be shot.

Some clever cunt is going to make a fortune off that

With a Titleist 1 ball



:rat: :rat:

They were against the closure themselves :man_shrugging:t2:

They’ve deleted the tweet now. Its the shit manner in which they went about it. The way I see it if I have a problem with something I will handle it the old fashioned way. Instead now you have virtue signalling wankers who like nothing better than to take videos and post them up on social media for a reaction.

I’ve a notion that website is tied in with Carr Golf? Possibly have an interest in driving ranges themselves??

Possibly. They work out of offices in one of them anyway so possibly took umbrage with the fact that one was closed and this one was open.

Fucking Fingallians

Couple of lovely days up north and had the courses to myself with their remembrance Sunday thing. Good to get out again. For the head more than anything.


Where’d you play?

Portstewart and Portrush


Yes,pictures are lovely but the name of the course would be nice too.


No not too bad. £120 for the 2 rounds. Was cheap because use of winter mats and some holes were closed and haggled a bit. I was on my own and went out at crack of dawn so it was not like there was a big group or anything. If you didnt want to use mats from fairway you could move to semi rough and hit it there instead. Northern Ireland is a good escape hatch from down here at the minute. You can still go into a hotel and order food and pints etc. Of course you will have the odd checkpoint to worry about but have a good excuse ready.

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Very true I was up there for a few days in the summer it was great to have a break. Different without being foreign. I’m fully partionist after it.

To be honest the mass hysteria seems to be an Irish phenomenon. I went to Germany in September for a few days, now cases were low and restrictions light at the time but such a relief away from the doom merchants.

Yeah I stayed near limavady. The owners of the hotel and other people I talked to were incredulous at what’s going on down here. They were wondering why there weren’t people taking to the streets. Different atmosphere entirely up there. People dont see you and think you are a threat to their humanity. It’s a carefree oasis compared to here. Today I was listening to BBC Ulster coming down and they are doing their best to get hospitality sector back open in next week or 2 and have a decent lead in to Christmas. Foster and the unionists want to keep everything open. You wont deny them their right to go to mass that’s for sure. There were huge gatherings yesterday and not a care in the world. Some of the golf clubs up there have taken an enormous hit. Portrush are down £1m and Portstewart are not far behind.

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