Golf Thread

Because it’s a great course. Please keep up…

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Great is pushing it

Ah there are a few out there like the Slievenamon example will take your membership in exchange for gui

You’re charged extra for gui. That 175 probably add on another 25 if you want GUI for clonmel. Cahir is 200 + 25 for GUI + optional insurance

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Someone is still bitter at losing the best free-taker on TFK title


Cowboys but exactly what im looking for

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I kept on membership of my local club for years and never played it…so handy to have the gui and access to cheap open singles

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When the subs for everywhere is a grand or so in dublin its a pain trying to do that up here

Plus the busy courses

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It’s going to be some pain in the rear end trying to get a tee time when this is over. Plus, if you aren’t out at first light it will take about 6 hours to go around. Lads will be hitting the ball off the planet before they get their eye in

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Agreed and especially if you end up behind a four ball of :girl::see_no_evil:

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Young fellas are as bad as women. Teenagers. 16 practice swings only to hit it 40 yards along the ground. Watching too much pga

I can’t deal with slow play at all. I’d prefer to walk in


A bastard of a course. Very narrow

Has there ever been a TFK outing? We should seriously consider one later in the summer when all courses open. Four ball better ball if we could get a decent number. Where to play would be open for discussion of course.


We’d clear the club house afterwards with the merits of a capitalism vs socialism. Auld fellas would be going home with strawman and gas lighting ringing in their ears, asking their nearest and dearest what does it mean to ladybird.


I’m game. 3 ball champagne scramble, they’re great craic

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General confusion as the locals overhear the lad in the pro shop described as a ‘total roaster’ and the barmaid as ‘one for the in her day day thread’ we’d have some gravitas after biat broke the course record but that would be soon lost as we queued up to take photos of an rnli boat shaped charity money box


Who’s going to ring and book it?

Hi, I’m looking for a tee time for 12 lads.

Grand are ye a society? No.
A club? No
What then?

A few lads off an obscure internet forum.

Ah no we’re full until march next year


A great bunch of lads🤣

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What’s the name. Esteban de la sexface.


An Internet forum golf society in these times they’d take anyone if open

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