Good Books

It appears the editor decided to disappear words from random sentences and be damned with punctuation to be more high brow. Appears to have worked too after winning the Booker.

Has anyone read The History Of Ireland in Maps?
Looks like it would a decent coffee table book.

Picked it up for myself a week ago. Only 30 pages in but plan to read it all over the month coming.

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That’s a book I’d be interested in.

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It’s a preachy bag of shite.

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She’d have great craic with the misogynists on here

There were times when I considered giving up on it, it wasn’t a page turner , one of those books you have to consider when you’ve finished.
The ending was very powerful (to me) and I do think that it’s a very important message.
I’d recommend it to anyone though.

The Christmas haul, looking forward to getting through these.


Bad Blood, a walk along the border by Colm Tobín. A good read, seems like a bit of a roaster , but it was the 80s, where most of the island would have been uncultured roasters, me included!

Just finished Prophet Song. Fucking hell -it’s some book. Haunting.


For me, It’s just a copy and paste job of a number of historical events - Germany, Spain , Baltics, Chile, etc. etc.
Non paragraphs/ punctuation aside, i found chunks of the language over descriptive and boring.

I really struggled to see what the hype was about - it’s wokey maybe and fits current narrative re refugees ? But it’s oddly a dystonia novel on the past. Nothing original for me but each to their own.

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It’s quite derivative as you say. I’ve read a lot better alternative history books

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It was probably too intellectual for you.

You think it’s intellectual because he doesn’t use paragraphs.

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It’s been done.

You’re talking to a history PhD here

I was gonna say there’s no future in history… But Lynch is disproving that.

One of those bogey colleges in Munster was it?

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Probably some makey uppy course about stonewall building or something.