Good Fillums

I’ll leave it up to yere selves

If she’s good enough for Lenny Kravits she would be good enough for me

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Marks out of two. I’d give her one.

Dunno about stirring Lenny’s porridge but it’s a very decent list, Madonna excepted.

I had castaway on earlier, jesus I was bawling crying at the reunion scene between Tom Hanks and Helen Hunt, it evoked something very deep inside me, a very bad memory of something very similar that happened to me, except I wasn’t on a island, I was on a different kind of Island, a metaphorical one, one made of drink and drugs, where I was lost for years



when he looked out the window at the new husband telling helen to come away out of it, the pain, the suffering,I know that feeling, he could only stand there in silence and pain


I’m watching the Martian here, an incredible tale of intestinal fortitude, a battle against all the odds

the Martian is reaching a crescendo of emotions for me right now, the first rescue mission has failed, jeff bridges has fucked up, he can only manage downawards but he can’t manage upwards IMO, its very clear



Jeff Bridges?

Based on a true story apparently

Hunt for the Wilderpeople on Netflix from Dec 31

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The Green Room is decent - enjoyable

Saw rogue one today very impressed. It’s like an old war movie set in Star Wars galaxy.


Great stuff. Missed it in the cinema - meant to be a great film.

Great fun

Do they find them in the end

Shit just got real

I didn’t see much good i it myself, although I like Sam Neill.

Kids film.

He’s tricky like that, Jesus.

If you like that Down Under, wilderness type film, then try The Hunter.
With Willem Dafoe and Sam Neill.

Better story and maybe slightly more believable.
I give it the thumbs up anyway.