Great 1970s -1980s TV shows

Unreal television - The Wonder Years - in my life

While not shows - the mini series’s of Roots , Shaka Zulu and the Australian made ANZACS ( aired on bbc) were all great tv for a young chap that loved history.

Did you go around calling fellas Chicken George in school.

North and South was a great US civil war show. Patrick Swayze and Kirstie Alley were in it.


greatest american hero
street hawk
dempsey and makepeace
the professionals
the sweeney

Give paddy a fur coat and he thinks he owns the place. Anyone remember the joke that was a punchline to?

a classic

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I was called chicken George and kunta

At least you weren’t called Mama Kizzee

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you may have misheard people :smiley:

Gummy Bears shat all over Chippendales in the soft cartoon category.

Bravestarr and Thundercats was the shit

Nostalgia just isnt the same anymore

Me too. Blackass bushwhacker and nignog two other affectionate titles thrun upon me

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We can rebuild him. We have the technology.

Unfortunately Steve Austin died on a trolley in UHL later than day