Greyhounds Matters šŸ - Supporting Rural Ireland

The last part about the knackery in Laois was fairly tough viewing.

What will happen to who or what? It was very damaging, rightly or wrongly, to the greyhound industry Iā€™d wager.

Donā€™t think many people will have watched it due to clash with Love Island.

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The dogs and the contestants both serve a purpose and then ā€¦,

Doggy style

I havenā€™t seen it but an RTE documentary on a Wednesday night in the middle of the summer isnā€™t designed for impact. If they really cared, it would be on during the winter. They donā€™t view it as that big a deal if this is when they run it.

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The Board are fucked firstly.
The Department also in hot water.

The knackery in Laois wasnā€™t pretty but common knowledge but where were those carcasses going would be my main question. Would they be mixed in with Bovine carcasses for processing?
The last Dog thrown in landed basically at the top of that skip so do the math of the volume within it.

My tuppence worth on the programme. Clearly it was a hatchet job and one sided with the intent to cause maximum damage to greyhound racing (rightly or wrongly). Iā€™m not sure if all their figures were correct, in fact I doubt they were. I know the 3000 odd or whatever ā€˜unaccounted forā€™ each year are not put down as they suggest. Thereā€™s various places greyhounds go, sold or otherwise, or put down for legitimate reasons like ill health or injury, much the same as a horse or cow. But in saying that there are shameless people who take the cheap option and go to the knackers yard with a slow greyhound, which is indefensible. I owned greyhounds for years and treated mine like royalty, and I know of many others who did likewise. But by the same token I suspect certain people in the game, particularly where greyhounds were very much on the commercial side for them, had less than stellar records with their outcasts. The stuff about China was sensationalist and as a country of people I donā€™t think we can be held to account for what the animals over there do to dogs.

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Those Asians are desperate cruel cunts altogether.

Anyone ever keep a pet greyhound?

I had. Theyā€™re a glorious animal


The Open coursing segment on Whiddy Island seemed ridiculous on RTEā€™s part.
A hare would need to be half fucked to be caught in open country and terrain like that imo. Plus the dogs were muzzled.

Crowds in Clonmel are a sight to behold compared to Tracks, sad to see Haroldā€™s Cross gone to the state too.

Interesting question and poses an even bigger question arguably fom the main subject of the programme.

Was he/she a fucker for wandering? Or was it happy in its own space?

Yes. They are a noble animal. I would keep them again please god. Not worth a shit as a guard dog however.

The main issue for me really. The game is fucked from a Sport perspective and basically a breeding industry for export.

Theyā€™re the easiest dogs to keep. You could leave the gate open and it wouldnā€™t go out.

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We always had them at home for coursing. Iā€™d love to get involved but they eat up all your time if you have them for coursing

Iā€™m driven demented with rabbits rooting up the yard and lawn verges so Iā€™m going to get a couple of dogs.
Iā€™d never get a dog on its own & leave it alone during the day like, a greyhound and a terrier would be an ideal combo I think.

Yeah a load of bollocks, they were clawing for anything there to throw shit at the industry. A lot of big names dragged through the mud unfairly too IMO in that piece, respected businessmen etc treated like criminals who Iā€™m sure treated their dogs like royalty.

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A greyhound? You couldnā€™t leave a gate open with a greyhound will you go way.