Gubernment Log Thread

@flattythehurdler you played some exquisite 3D chess there.


If you’re posh in Limerick do you take the dishes out of the sink before you piss in it.

that’s base fella. I was gonna say you’re better than that, but you don’t seem to be.

It’s all about Limerick

If you look around the poker table and don’t see the mug…

Is it guberment or gubberment?

It depends if you are from the North or Kerry

Disppointing thread title change here. I’d hope the perpetrator can change it back and there be no need to publicly shame them.

I’ll accept either variant.

To think our taxes put you through college and this smather is all we have to show for it.


I worked 5 part time jobs to put myself through college. You gave me nothing but ire.

Committing crimes isn’t work. You are a very confused individual, like that time you were funking it in Nova Scotia but for some reason thought you were in Boston.

I worked in the college shop by evening where I was able to spy on Henry Martin and his eating habits
I worked in the Limerick market on Saturdays where I could spy on @TreatyStones and @ciarancareyshurlingarmy.
I worked with the disability office to talk hurling with Joe Player for 3 hours a day.
I worked in a drop in centre to help students with essay/study plans.
I worked as a tutor/teacher for Mary I’s adult education course.
I worked in the library.
I worked with Our Lady of Lordes community centre in Weston.


You spelled “was” as “worked”.

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Some of that is (commendable) volunteering pal.

As for the other claimed work, I’m sure you can fire up a few tax clearance certs to back it. I’ll wait.

I have not bought an olive since. The bags are very light now for the price :open_mouth:


and great work you did too

It was all paid work mate. ALL of it.

And dont blame me because Nova Scotia showed New England Sports teams.

Lovely, the tax clearance certs will certainly put me in my place

you aren’t asking for much are you? You elitist cunt

this should set up a post about how much more intelligent he is than everyone

Be quiet dimwit