Hello Ewan

Iā€™d imagine The Germans have found out Pep is using the same ā€œtacticsā€ at city as he did at Barca and they have freaked.

Ewan doing his job with Twitter DMs after bottling going to do his actual job in Russia.

And Bayern

Why did he bottle going to Russia?

He wanted to stay in Brazil where itā€™s safe

Heā€™s a fannyā€¦ He does some sneering when he calls something right and gets all uppity if he is questioned on anything.

Hiding in Brasil and using his wife as an excuse.

Heā€™s a bluffer.

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I imagine no publications sought him out to do a few pieces on a freelance basis so he didnā€™t travel.

Ewan, please ā€œinvestigateā€ the recruitment process for the new CEO of the GPA.


How much would he be getting paid to be on The Last Word?

50 euro each time.

Plus tips

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