Hey Raven

Why are you not training with the huddleboard dublin team this evening? :slight_smile:

one off game - quite enjoyable but play for a different team - you gong down?

No, playing with thefreekick only this season. Saw they won their first game last weekend and someone even said you had a good game. :grin:

happy enough with my performance-my fitness kick over the summer paid dividends- standard isnt high

What’s the standard like compared to similar teams you’ve played in Raven? Who are you playing for this year?

clontarf -

could have been the team we played against but it was worse - the freekick should play in the ucl next year

We may well consider that.

Are you playing with Croppy?

yes- played 2 games last weekend & fucked now

junihilio also plays

the game in the ucl- we didnt really have any positions & no one knew anyones names & we still won

it would be well worth setting up a freekick team for next season - t

Ah right. I was half looking round for a team but I’m not playing for them anyway, though I understand there was a change of regime.

join the huddleboard team- they play on a saturday- good craic- you will stroll into the team - then set up a freekick one next season

talking to walshy who used to play for you- he has joined schalke who play in raheny-they might be worth joining

I was convinced when I saw the thread title it would be followed by the words

“Where’s your balls”

Bring back Ball Ox

Obviously Brian Tinnion and myself were completley ignored in this request