
irish population growing substantially.
constant oppression of the irish people by the brits
brits worried we were getting too many paddys
checked uk poulationaround that time but reackon it was closer to 15m

taking over of lands and exports of plenty of food from irish land to uk leaving us with just stinking spuds
and throw in a bit of genocide
queen at the time and her aids wanted to kill as much irish as possible

By Jaysus if there was ever any barbarism on the Catholic side, which there was, they fucking learned it from the best!

And 1798 is not the best example to use to highlight your point but I’m not going to hand it to you on a plate mate

It’s a good job your not a history teacher mate…

1798 was about as disgusting as it got. I’m interested in what you have to top it?

. ye, history isnt though very well in this country so im not the only one…throw up the stats that you are aware of bud. that was a quick synopsis…

You’d enjoy the book… ‘Human Encumbrances’. Google it.

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will do pal. nearly finished “paddys lament”

why didn’t the paddies go out and start catching fish, I don’t buy this famine nonsense

Lazy cunts wouldn’t get off their holes.

Isn’t every road in the country covered in Blackberries? Half the country overrun with Hazel trees, nuts galore. Wild Apples and plums everywhere. Mushrooms. Sure you can make a nice soup from nettles.

Famine me hole.

Oh you have the general gist alright but you do your point of view no favours with sweeping statements like “The Queen at the time wanted to kill as many Irish as possible”. She and her administration neglected their duties no doubt, and possibly did so on purpose. Hardly a Holocaust in the true sense of the word. Population was also closer to approx 8 million than 10 or 9.5

I was recently reading about the native Americans who sent famine aid. Along with the turks. The aul bitch of a queen of England wasn’t happy with them. A great bunch of lads all the same. Theres a lovely memorial statue commemorating the native Americans down around cork somewhere.


yes you are right with the famine nonsense buddy, genocide is a better word

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It was planned alright…and similar shit is going on today in various parts of the world.

It’s sickening.

sickening it is pal. worse though is what we were thought in school and our kids being thought now. free we are not.


Ye should get a load of the nonsense they teach Australian and American kids in their respective countries.

so 2m irish died? sounds like genocide to me man. id actually like some facts on the population around that time

What do you wanna know?

is the census of 1841 10+m a fact?

:confounded: taught