Homegrown Talent. Valerie Wheeler is off the table lads

If the end result of nepotism has Caoimhe’s looks….I’m willing to turn a blind eye


Guinness farts

She’s gorgeous

Dinny is a lucky man

Kayleighs fwiend

Dublin native Rhasidat Adeleke representing Ireland in the camel-toe olympics.

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Tbf that’s more of a deer hoof

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Post reported.

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An All-Star for KT.

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She’s looking well.


Volunteers for full back?

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You’ve done her a nawful disservice there.

Why? She needs a face full of make up and a dress?



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Your one Sharlene mawdsley the 400 metre runner could break Instagram with her new piercings

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Whoops :eyes:

Nearly put my eye out.

Orla O’Dwyer treating us as well today

Danielle Galligan

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