Homegrown Talent. Valerie Wheeler is off the table lads

Helen Behan is looking well tonight.

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Just popped in here to post that. She had a lovely milfy way about her.

Tracey Clifford vamping it up.

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Tracey will winter well.

she looks like what would happen if louise nurding ate

I saw a clip of Fair City earlier and this lady is in it. She featured earlier in the thread.

Caoimhe O’Malley


She from Westmeath?

Dessie O’Malleys grand daughter. You can see the likeness around the eyes.


An interesting fact but a disturbing tail end to it.

RTE nepotism, well knock me down with a feather

Oh look. Mention of a young woman on TV, along come Art to take her down a peg or two. “She couldn’t possibly be there on her own merit, must be nepotism.”


Jesus when did she join Fair City? New love interest for Cass?

I saw a clip of it the other night and all I got was that fucking cunt Paul. I cant believe that fella is still on the show! You see it and you get this wan.

You’ve created a nice little niche here at poor Arts expense.

I’d say Paul spent some time in Lillie Bordellos back in the day.

You’d regularly see him in Renards.

never mind that white knight, hes the worst misogynist on here. im sure we’ll hear in a couple of years the nefarious activities that glas the woke in sheeps clothing got up to


He’s trying to cod Wayne Molloy out of more money these days. Wayne has invested in solar panel cars and his marriage has subsequently hit the rocks.

In unrelated news Wayne is based in LA so they had to figure out a reason for him not to be in Carrigstown😅

Wayne is back!!! Ah FFS.

Hows Harry?

Art has created it for himself. He is extremely insecure and bitter towards young women, it’s palpable.