Homegrown Talent. Valerie Wheeler is off the table lads

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Hang on, is this just you creeping on some randomer in the street and then posting it on TFK?


Thatā€™ll be that so

@flattythehurdler missus is younger than I thought,and whereā€™s her new earrings?

Who is the lady behind Ed woodward


Not homegrown Iā€™m afraid (nor that young unfortunately)

Mohill, Itā€™d be fairly flat country, wouldnā€™t it?

She appears to be checking him out from behind. Must be an athletic specimen.


She looking at him wondering why heā€™s taking a photo of his ear

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Caroline Girvan, does fitness classes on YouTube. She us a nordie, could be a bluenose but i will forgive her that.

Mother of divine Godā€¦


She is in some nick allright.

Her head is too big for the rest of her.


He has a huge head alrightā€¦ His shoulders are a giveaway also

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Someone needs to tell the relative authorities about this sick fuck @habanerocat

I wondered was it a bad picture, but eh, no


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Do lads actually find wimmin like that attractive cause I definitely donā€™t.


Each to their own I guess, Iā€™m sure there are

I like a toned, strong woman but sheā€™s a bit much even for me.

A challenge wank I suppose