Homegrown Talent. Valerie Wheeler is off the table lads

She’s a fine mare,a definite MILF

The accent though…shudder.

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One of the perks of getting up at 6am to watch cartoons with the kids…


She’s leaving RTE pal, enjoy what time ye have left.

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Someone would want to tell her about self tanning gloves.

Who is she?

Emma o’Driscoll.

Formerly of ‘Six’

Fuck off outta that, you know well who that is.

The Ogie fella is a great character

You know your z listers, you always have.

I wasn’t sure. She seems pleasant enough on the telly.

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She’d hand it back to you soft…fact.

All I remember of them is she is some fucking dancer

She has gotten better with age


Post reported, you sick fuck. She entertains @backinatracksuit and @KinvarasPassion’s kids ffs.

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What the fuck was she doing in @KinvarasPassion 's gaffe at 6am?


Pulling teats…

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Singing Mary had a little lamb

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Emma is a decent sort. Very good singer too.
Don’t know how she ended up marrying a teacher from cappamore

She is a decent sort.

Comes from a very good family.