How many all Ireland's in a row will jp buy?

The Internet never forgets.


Sorry - I thought I had logged @fran’s sneer above …

I’m a maverick mate, never bland never boring. I live my e life a quarter post at a time.

Has this O’ Callaghan lad made the breakthrough yet?


The lad from Ballyhea?

‘He was the biggest loss we ever had in Clare’ - Insight into what makes Kinnerk a special coach

No idea, I googled O’ Callaghan Cork hurler and a 21 year old corner-back was the only similar suggestion that came up. He must be a Sean Finn type talent to explain that level of hype.

Pa O’Callaghan is a fine club hurler but has no interest in playing senior intercounty.

Would he be good enough anyway? Maybe, maybe not; he didn’t do a whole pile at U-21 level.

He’s 26 now, be 27 next year even if he did want to play.


Would love to know what makes these guys tick, and how they balance the life of coaching, their day job and family. You’d wonder how someone comes down off a high like that last weekend, and goes back into family and the day job.
In theory, he could be full time at coaching.

Pa O’Callaghan was probably the sweetest striker of the ball I have ever seen.

When Kingston was in charge last time around in 2016/17, he begged him to play, offering him a car/job/house and he still turned it down.

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It’s a huge commitment shur… Didn’t young Turnbull in Cork take a year out this year also, sick if it.

Fixed :brendan:

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It’s certainly not for everyone. Easier when you’re winning though.

O Callahan picked up a bad back injury that needed constant rest but he was encouraged to play with Cork development suqads/minors because he was so good and had a massive falling out with management and was as good as finished with Cork once out of minor.He came back his last yr U21 and scored heavily but didnt look overly interested on the pitch. Ballyhea won a Premier Intermediate a good few yrs ago and he was properly fit att and looked every inch a senior intercounty scoring forward. Still tearing it up with Charleville in Limerick Junior soccer as of a few yrs ago.

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Best forward I ever saw was offered a chance to walk into the senior IC set up, and just said no. He didn’t want to. That’s the way some lads are, and the best of luck to them.


Please read this before reading my posts on this thread from years ago in 2021.

I’m sorry to anyone who’s been hurt by my posts on this thread. Please understand that the context and intent of my posts was not to be hateful, or to poke fun. It was me trying to navigate the harm of putting labels on humans, and reclaiming power from a word which I believed was mine to reclaim, at the time.


That’s you cancelled fucko.

You needed to get the apology out before you got called out, too late now you racist bastard.

Stick to the WWF

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