Hurling Championship 2020 - The Year Limerick Blitzed


These fucking water breaks destroy game flow

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The last quarter is when the professional preparation tells


Dublin really opened us up in the final quarters

Hego working into it.

These water breaks are a cod.

The first hurl broke in 2020.

Austin ffs

Ah shite, would have been some score.

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Line ball :grinning:

Seems harsh

Flanagan inside on his own.

I wonder if the Waterford dugout swayed opinion

Bad enough Flanagan get blackguarded by his management team but by his teammates as well


It’s gone very scrappy.

The amount of times the ball has been pucked over the side line by both teams is awful.

Jesus Christ Byrnes.

Duignan wants Aussie on the edge of the square

No free for Byrnes there

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