Hurling Championship 2020 - The Year Limerick Blitzed

Liam Gordon and Seán Stack’s performances weren’t up to the standard required at this level, Liam’s more so than Sean’s.

There are obviously difficulties refereeing in such wicked weather especially for Liam in Cork yesterday but some things are not acceptable.

I’m talking, of course, about the decision to let the John McGrath goal stand.

Ultimately, it had no impact on the result and Liam can be thankful for that but the strike should have been disallowed. Instead, the score was put down after he wasted two minutes conferring with his umpires and his linesman.

I have some sympathy for Liam Gordon on the pick up. He obviously didn’t see it so he couldn’t blow for it. Consulted his umpires and linesmen and they obviously didn’t see it either. I presume McGrath’s body obscured the view of the pick up as he slid along the turf. Is Gavin suggesting he shouldn’t have bothered consulting with his umpires and linesmen?

Gavin hates Tipp more than we do so he can’t be all bad.

“William O’Donoghue was yellow carded for a wild pull at the start of the second half but I would have given him the benefit of the doubt. Noel McGrath made a meal out of a Hegarty tackle when Hegarty was on a yellow card but at least Liam saw through that.”


Gavin really is a thick cunt.


The don’t call them Biffo’s for nothing.

In fairness he gave Tommy Walsh the benefit of the doubt when he was swinging a Hurley around head height and hit him so I don’t doubt he would have given WOD the benefit of the doubt


Giving him the benefit of the doubt that he was trying to hit someone else.


:clap: :clap: :clap:

Tipp first goal came off the back of Gillane being hauled back while contesting a ball on the sideline. A shocking bad call from the ref.

You could argue Limerick got the benefit of some of the bigger calls like the penalty and the two possible reds but over the course of the 70 minutes there was at least a +5 differential in Tipp’s favour for 50:50 frees. Even Dalo was perplexed at some of the calls. Not to mention the Tipp goal and a possible red for Maher

The Limerick crowd are seething that they didn’t beat Tipp by 40 points


Did Gillane foul his man for his first goal? I think he came down with his mans Hurley. I haven’t seen the replay.

No . I think Maher misread the flight of the ball .

You always need to have something to work on

Gillanes Hurl 1st and second half




Gillanes Hurl after the goal


I didn’t see a replay yet so haven’t looked but was curious as to what exactly happened.

Aye, I remember that one alright.


The liveline is open now

He picked up Paudie’s by mistake after scoring the goal. Paudie asked to get it back.

The game that broke Denis Byrne