Hurling Championship 2020 - The Year Limerick Blitzed

You have to remember that a major proportion of TFK are complete fuckwits unable to engage with the material in front of them and think the snide comment makes them look smart and superior.

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Are you on your period ?


Ok. We’re doing this, this morning.

Let me stretch.

Very much agreed by the way

Enjoyed that

Kevin Moran actually started as a full back.

Jackie did alright there, but he’s still got a bit of work to do. It was a nice piece, it will appeal to the casual hurling men.

I don’t see this as evolution …ok there is a bit more space from half backs pushing up but if anything it’s things going full circle …corner backs were always exposed long before systems were introduced…there’s a reason they were considered masters of the dark arts…it was their way of evening things up with all the space in front of them

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“But they’re [the sweeper] not going out to help you double-team your man, leaving an ocean of space down the middle”

If needed the sweeper would tho if the corner forward is turned in and, when doing so, he’s not leaving an ‘ocean of space’ as he’s an extra man and his role is to sweep among the pockets in the defence no?

the sweeper doesn’t stand up on top of the corner forward. The sweeper starts in the middle

Jackie is alluding to the fact that there is a lot more space in front of the corners these days.

American football.

Now give me my likes.

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I know he doesn’t stand on top.of him, lining out to double team. But when the ball is already advanced, he’s not going to sit idly by if an attacker has a run on the corner back. He is going to help double team your man when occasion calls

I zoned out after the American football intro.


Exhibit A


You aul rogue, you handed him that one.

Grand article after NFL.

Don’t see the point in bringing it in every time & comparing it to hurling.

Bit of filler shite to me but shur whatever. :man_shrugging:t2:

A fine return to form.
Fcuk me :laughing::laughing::laughing:
Every Tyrrell cliche in the book.

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Put Hayes centreback and let the Waterford lad in

What has American football got to do with hurling? Kieran Shannon the same, every gaa article starts with a basketball intro.

Lyons has to be in for me

Lyons, De Burca, Hayes

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I’d have Byrnes over Hayes