Hurling Championship 2020 - The Year Limerick Blitzed

I was gona buy A car Off him but he’s a bit of a dick


He has been training with them since they resumed back 5 weeks ago. Just running and touch work though, no contact. Wont play this side of Christmas but will be full steam ahead come new yeas

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And a rip off

He ripped off Eoin Larkin anyway

Who was the cork player? Took an hour to strike.


Few posts getting bookmarked…

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Fair play to Callanan for making the run when he really had no hope of getting there. But Jesus fucking Christ Spillane, how long does he want.

Fair result

I heard today the voice we could hear roaring during the Clare game was Jack Browne not Romer. He wasn’t the one giving Davy lots but was just encouraging the team and really into it.

There were lads voting there that hadn’t been seen before or since.

@Zxcvjbnm is a stalwart of the forum

He’s dead to me since he voted against DH.


The two championships being run off consecutively in 6-week blocks doesn’t stop harmless types shitting on about “blitzes” and so on.

Protect your investment

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I think that’s your problem right there.

Gallons of cool aid drank at this stage

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Davys soup.

You’re very defensive of any perceived criticism of Sheedy. It’s cute.