I won't be able to drink to spread covid


This is supposed to be a good spot. Haven’t got round to it myself

We were in Fitzroy’s for dinner last night. It was fucking brilliant.

Call into the 51 while you’re home. We can get the young fella inducted into the Pretend IRA.

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Some lads just come in here and laid into the barman, giving him shite about something or other, there may be fisticuffs here in a minute.

I’m already in the Ra so he’ll take over the family position.

I wish they’d get on with it cos I have a pint waiting.

Thank fuck for that.
I had forgotten what an utter joy it is to have a pint on your own in an Irish pub in the middle of the afternoon.

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you are in the UK mate

It’s still an Irish pub .

On what island?

Irish in the way Waxy O’Connors in Leicester square is

I am in my fucking hole
This is Derry pal.

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The I. The I. The I.R.A


it’s on the island of Ireland . Look as well you know, be you a Clare roaster , a rugby head from D4 or a loyalist from the Shankhill Road , once in London you are a paddy or a Mick .

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@Tassotti is all 3 of them

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Is that one of the Irish theme pubs English lads flock to so they can temporarily forget they’re from a nation of wankers? There seems to be a huge market over there


Where you’re a Paddy a Biddy or a Mick
Good for nothing but stacking a brick
And you’re best mates a spade and he carries a hod
Two workhorses heavily shod


Did you pay for it in euros or pounds?

A fellow told me the other night there is now no Irish ran pub on Kilburn High Road . He lived in London for 30 years .