I won't be able to drink to spread covid


Ah come on mate. I wouldn’t set foot in that cunt hole.

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I had to say it to get that reaction. Hardly the Brazen Head is it?

No. Mulligans.


Mulligans is one of the few traditional pubs that use the newer Guinness glass to some degree.

The likes of the Long Hall and Kehoes all use the old one exclusively still.

Doesn’t bother me either way I have to say.

:heart_eyes: That’s after putting an awful thirst on me.

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Don’t do it.
Drink = bad, very bad.


Remember Monday morning.

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Monday will be challenging.

Christ that looks a belter .

You could nearly post that in the ravenous thread

I used to love Mulligan’s but the staff were ignorant. One evening (fadó, fadó) I asked the barman for an ashtray, “You’re standing in it”, says he.

Lovely pint…

In the Dame Tavern boys. Italian bird dishing out the stout is incredible

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Ask her to pose with your pint.


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Shut up te fuck you, we’re sick of your shite. @farmerinthecity won’t be on here all weekend cribbin about how hungover he is.


You won’t get best new poster with a poor start to your TFK career like that kid.

Wedding in Coolbawn, Co.Tipp

Wife is away in Vietnam…